City of Philadelphia, Department of Public Property, Philadelphia Public Safety Facilities Master Plan
Project Overview
The City of Philadelphia needs facilities that are fully functional, modern, and well-equipped to serve as neighborhood assets and offer positive opportunity for public-use and interaction. The overall goal of the Public Safety Facilities Master Plan is to establish recommendations and priorities for capital investment in existing and proposed buildings, other facilities, and infrastructure that support the missions of the City’s Police, Fire and other allied agencies and departments.
Envision led public and stakeholder outreach meetings to help shape the future of Philadelphia’s Police Facilities and their surrounding neighborhoods by acting as a liaison between the community and the project team. Envision promoted a holistic viewpoint concerning community interests, concerns and goals and created a welcoming and respectful forum for ideas and suggestions regarding the project plan. The team prepared meeting materials (project boards, sign-in sheets, agendas, information materials, food\beverages, presentations, computer equipment, etc.), facilitated the meetings, and prepared appropriate meeting minutes and other reports. Staff led break-out groups to discuss in-depth aspects of the Plan. Envision’s graphic designers prepared the materials used in the public meetings and worked closely with Hill International and The City of Philadelphia Department of Public Property by sharing results and findings from the meetings.
Project Information
- Public Outreach
- Stakeholder Outreach
- Graphic Design
- Meeting Facilitation
- Report Compilation
- Survey Coordination