New Jersey Turnpike Authority, Bridge Deck and Median Reconstruction, Milepost 160.6 to 162.5, Contract P100.511

Project Overview
The NJTA’s Parkway Bridge Deck and Median Reconstruction Milepost 160.6 to 162.5 project involves the demolition and complete replacement of concrete bridge decks and approaches for seven (7) bridges on the Garden State Parkway (GSP) between Milepost 160.6 to 161.5 utilizing Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) methods with Precast Concrete Deck Panels and conventional Cast-In Place construction. This contract also includes deck repairs and resurfacing to three (3) bridges on the Garden State Parkway between Milepost 160.6 and 162.5.
It also involves the partial demolition and reconstruction of Bridge Nos.161.5S, 161.6S, 161.7N, 161.8S and 161.9N on the northbound and southbound roadways of the Garden State Parkway. Work at these structures consists of demolition and replacement of bridge deck slabs with precast concrete steel composite panels, precast HPC panels, cast in place HPC construction include the installation and removal of MPT measures, milling, substructure concrete spall repairs, deck joint replacement, bearing replacement, diaphragm replacement, cleaning and repainting structural steel, replacement of underbridge lighting, waterproof membrane installation, paving, temporary bridge supports and pavement resurfacing. Precast panels will be set in place by mobile crane during off peak or night time hours and will require closure pours using specialized grout material. The concrete median barrier will be replaced and roadway milled and paved between Milepost 160.6 and 162.5. All concrete bridge decks will be micro-milled to meet current Authority ride quality standards.
Envision is responsible for CPM schedule review services including baseline schedule review and for review of monthly updates for an estimated period of 57 months.
Project Information
- CPM Scheduling
- Baseline Schedule Review
- Monthly Progress Updates