New Jersey Transportation Planning Authority, Regional Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan

Project Overview
The New Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA) is the federally funded Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the northern New Jersey region, home to 6.6 million people and covering over one-half of the state’s land area.
When NJTPA embarked upon an update of its Regional Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan (CHSTP), its primary goal was to identify the transportation needs of seniors, low-income people, veterans, and individuals with disabilities. The plan provides strategies for meeting those needs and prioritizing transportation services for funding and implementation.
Human services transportation planning has a profound effect on the lives of the people it serves. The right systems, services, and policies can facilitate access to employment, education, social supports and personal independence. Lack of coordination, poor communication, and non-integrated service areas can leave passengers stranded, frustrated, and isolated.
To assist with the plan, Envision developed and administered an online project SharePoint site. The firm was responsible for new user SharePoint account creation, permission access, and control. Staff successfully established user account security privileges, allowing for outside agencies to access shared information, while granting project team members access to secure content. In addition, Envision provided graphic design services to various project materials, performed robust testing, created internal and external user guide documents, and conducted multiple in person and WebEx training sessions.
Project Information
- SharePoint Site
- File Structure Setup
- WebEx Training Sessions
- Guide Materials
- Graphic Design
- Community Involvement