DRPA/PATCO Glassboro-Camden Line Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

Project Overview
The Port Authority Transit Corporation (PATCO), a subsidiary of The Delaware River Port Authority (DRPA), evaluated the need and potential for expanded rapid transit service to Gloucester, Camden, Cumberland, and portions of Atlantic and Salem Counties via an Alternatives Analysis Study that was completed in the fall of 2009. This is a continuation of a previous feasibility study completed in 2005, which strongly endorsed pursuing increased rail transit options in this corridor to address transportation and mobility needs. Presently, the study has advanced into the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) phase that began in early 2010. The purpose of this project is to improve transit service along the Glassboro to Camden corridor in Southern New Jersey, with a focus on increasing mobility and improving links between the established communities and activity centers.
Envision provided a hybrid approach to its public involvement services, consisting of engaging the public with both traditional and virtual methods. During COVID-19, Envision successfully conducted virtual public hearings on the Draft EIS via Zoom Webinar, where hundreds of people from the public were able to attend and participate. Envision published content into the Federal Registrar, and was tasked with the development and management of numerous public involvement applications; such as advertising in local newspapers, managing a project hotline and email addresses, creating flyers, and more. Envision also coordinated with a diverse group of media outlets to disseminate information to the various communities throughout the study area that are traditionally underserved.
In addition to this, Envision was responsible for creating a comprehensive Public Involvement Plan that met the guidelines set forth by NEPA, FTA, and DRPA. Envision developed media strategies with the DRPA Team, maintained elected official, stakeholder, and subscriber databases, such as overseeing the overall project inquiry process and responses, including managing all Scoping and Draft EIS formal comments received. Envision provided graphic design services, such as meeting display boardsGIS generated maps, and other customized graphic products to communicate project information to stakeholders\residents, and solicit project feedback.
Project Information
- Public Involvement
- Project Branding
- Graphic Design
- Project Website Management
- Stakeholder Coordination
- Stakeholder Workshops
- Management Comment Database
- Document Control
- Virtual Meetings