Seattle Department of Transportation, RapidRide J Line Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)

Project Overview
RapidRide J Line is a partnership between SDOT and King County Metro to implement bus rapid transit connecting the University District, Eastlake, South Lake Union, Belltown, and Downtown Seattle neighborhoods. The Project aims to improve transit travel times, reliability, and capacity to increase high-frequency, all-day transit service and enhance transit connections. RapidRide J Line will provide a zero-emissions transportation option. The Project will also improve pedestrian and bicycle connections, access to RapidRide stations, and safety for both non-motorized and motorized travelers along the corridor. RapidRide J Line will provide electric bus rapid transit (BRT) service along an approximately 5.5-mile corridor in a dedicated lane or mixed traffic between downtown Seattle and the University District neighborhood in northeast Seattle, Washington. The Project is part of Seattle’s growing RapidRide BRT System and features real-time arrival information, off-board fare collection, 2.3 miles of exclusive BRT lanes, and transit signal priority. The Project will provide 24-hour BRT service in a dedicated lane or mixed traffic. The Project will use nineteen (19) buses from the existing King County Metro fleet: 16 buses for operation in peak periods and three (3) spare buses. Bus service will use existing stations along 3rd Avenue, south of Virginia, and Stewart Streets; no improvements will occur in this area.
Envision provided a Project Scheduling Manager who was responsible for reviewing and providing findings, concurrences, recommendations, and summary write-ups of the SDOT RapidRide J Line BRT project schedule per Oversight Procedure (OP) 34, Project Schedule Review, and OP 40, Risk Contingency Review. This included reviewing the Project Sponsor’s project schedule, basis of schedule, and schedule narrative. Envision was tasked with preparing a report in accordance with OP 34 and providing cost input for, and participating in, the FTA-led Risk Workshop. The objective of this review was to provide input to the FTA in the form of evaluations, conclusions, recommendations, and well-grounded professional opinions in the form of formal review comments, short memorandums, or reports in accordance with FTA’s Oversight Procedures regarding the Project risk and Project Schedule provided by the Project Sponsor, SDOT.
Project Information
- Scheduling Reviews
- Document Reviews
- Risk Review Workshop