Regional Transportation District (RTD) Southeastern Extension Project

Project Overview
By expanding the light rail south of the city, this project improved access and created new ways to enter Denver. The project entailed a two-phased (design and build) 2.3-mile extension of the Regional Transportation District’s (RTD) Southeast Light Rail Line to RidgeGate Parkway, south of Denver. The addition runs along the west side of I-25 from the Lincoln Station, crosses over to the east side of the interstate, and ends at RidgeGate Parkway in Douglas County. The extension has an end-of-the line station at RidgeGate with 1,300 parking spaces. RTD applied for $92 million in federal funds and has been accepted into the first phase of the Federal Transit Administration Small Starts funding program. Small Starts provides funding of between $75-100 million for projects. Additionally, local business associations and businesses in the southeast metro Denver area are contributing $25 million in cash and an estimated $3 million in in-kind contributions for land and right-of-way to get the light rail extension project completed.
Envision provided CPM scheduling and risk review services. In addition, Envision also reviewed the client master schedule, analyzed the contractor’s monthly schedules and provided overall cost and resource reviews, as well as client meeting support on a monthly basis.
Project Information
- CPM Scheduling
- Construction Schedule Review
- Construction Schedule Analysis
- Cost Estimating
- Risk Review Services
- Meeting Support